Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31, 2007: Happy Halloween!!!

Here are a few pictures of some severed finger cookies that I made for a Halloween party we had at work today, which was interesting since Halloween is not celebrated over here. The severed fingers were served with a bowl of "blood sauce" and the fingernails are made from almonds...

And here's the result of a pumpkin carving party I had the other night. I could only find a few orange pumpkins. I'm actually not entirely sure if the green ones are actually pumpkins or melons - they sort of smelled sweet like a melon and were pretty soft like a melon but also smelled sort of like pumpkin at the same time. They worked OK for carving though...


Sarah said...

oh, yummy fingers..... and blood.....and magical green pumpkins.....great pics.Happy Halloween..xo

foresta said...

Wow, those finger cookies are creepy, and funny... what is the blood sauce made of? I also like the jack-o-lanterns. Hope your halloween was good and that your new friends enjoyed learning about this American holiday. Do they have anything similar there? I will try to keep in touch more often. I just re did my password for this site. It seems to not remember my login when I come to this site. I have been reading alot but haven't had a lot of luck posting because of this.


Dick said...

I like those finger-cookies, how did you made them!!!!!!!!

Isla said...

The recipe for the finger cookies is available at:

For the "blood sauce", I just used a bottle of strawberry sauce that I found in the supermarket. It took a few tries for me to figure out how to shape them correctly...

Bek said...

Great cookies, Isla! Miss you!

Oceana said...

hey fluffino,
love the halloween pics. the cookies are hideous and so realistic. what was your halloween costume? i had to dress up at my tutoring job but i forgot so i ran over to rite aid and got some decorations...dressed up as a b-day was a good 5 minute fix! hope you are well
love, oc