Monday, January 28, 2008

January 28th, 2008: Winter on Texel

Winter on Texel is very dark, windy and rainy - although the temperatures are generally mild. Actually, it seems to be windy here all of the time - usually the bike ride to/from work is horrible in at least one direction... Last week we had one very nice and sunny day (and pretty much everyone left work early to try do something outside).
As you can tell from the shadow, I was taking pictures while biking. My Dutch friends can do amazing things while riding a bike - for example, most of my friends can take off their backpack, then take off a jacket, put the jacket away in the backpack and then put the backpack on again, all while riding with no hands... I'm slowly learning to do more things while riding a bike but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to take off a jacket...

Winter on Texel is sort of strange since the grass is still green! I guess that since it's so moist and the temperatures are relatively mild that the grass is able to grow year round. I think it is strange to see trees without leaves with fields of green grass though.
As you can tall from these pictures, it has been raining a lot...
I should try and attempt to take some pictures of a more typical winter day on Texel - but usually I'm biking both to and from work in the dark (yes, the sun rises after I get to the office) and when it is rainy I don't want to take out my camera...

1 comment:

Dick said...

Not much of a winter is it? But I think this is more or less normal.