Monday, May 7, 2007

May 7, 2007: De Koog

This weekend I biked to the town of De Koog, which is located on the west side of Texel. The town is little and very touristy because it is on the beach. I spent some time walking along the beach and dunes and then took a bike ride through the "forest" on Texel, where all the trees are planted in rows. Here is a view looking to the south from the beach. I'm not sure what all of those little houses with blue doors that are lined up against the dunes are for but I saw a horse coming out of one of them...

Looking to the north from the beach.

There was all of this foamy stuff by the edge of the water. I was sort of alarmed when the wind started blowing and these balls of slimy foam were blown across my feet. But then I noticed that other people were walking through it and all these kids were playing in it - so hopefully it's not anything too nasty!

There are dunes separating the beach from the town of De Koog. Within the dunes there appears to be hundreds of campsites cramed into a tiny space. I'm not really sure what the point of camping here would be - the center of town is a 2 minute walk away on the other side of the dunes and there was loud techno music blasting from some large building located within the dunes. But camping here seems to be very popular. I guess if you wanted to go to the bar or out for a nice meal while camping it would be convienent? I'll have to check out some of the other camping spots on the island and see if they're all like this or not...

I guess one good thing about these campsites is that they are located right off of a paved bike path. It's sort of amazing how much stuff people carry on their bikes here. I saw someone yesterday who had a sleeping bag, tent, large cook stove, frame pack, food and a bunch of other stuff on the back of his bike.

A view of the town of De Koog, looking in the opposite direction from the dunes. This is one of the few "hills" I've seen here.

A sign in the dunes... I think it is saying something like "watch out for the speed bumps" but I really have no idea.

Another view of the ferry. It was coming in when I went to the lab this morning.

And a view of the lab - I'm relatively sure that most of the lab is actually below sea level!


Unknown said...

Nice pics. I think the campsites look cozy.xoMom...

Bek said...

Hi Isla,

When I was in Belgium with my mom and Rach we went to the seashore and they had a bunch of those little shack/house things along the beach. In Belgium they are used as little changing house and a place to keep your beachy things (chairs, coolers, etc) while you frolic in the sand. Maybe that is what they are used for in the Netherlands too? That white frothy stuff in the water looks kind of like snow, but weirder and fluffier. Keep the pictures coming! Maybe you can post some of your lab/office once you get settled??? Are you meeting any nice people?