Monday, May 28, 2007

May 29th: Spitskool!

Ok, I saw these weird looking vegetables in the store and I bought one just so I could take a picture of it. I think it is a cabbage (definitely not my favorite vegetable) and now I need to think of something to cook with it - or maybe I can feed it to the sheep...
I guess "spitskool" must be the Dutch word for "cabbage"? These things really are bizarre looking!


Sarah said...

that is a weird looking vegetable. it resembles a penquin...xo

Unknown said...

Kool is cabbage,
spits is pointed.

Deb said...

Johhny's sells your cabbage.

Isla said...

I'm currently testing how long a spitskool will last in the fridge without going bad... I haven't figured out what to try to cook with it yet - I'll have to see if it is still good in a week when I get back from my trip...